Pseudos - Ist das noch Schamanismus oder
übelster Schindluder? Du entscheidest! |
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Dieses Video bringt es auf den
Punkt! Bevor Du eine Ausbildung zum Schamanen oder zur
Schamanin an einer Akademie oder in Wochenendkursen in Erwägung
ziehst, solltest Du Dir dieses Video ansehen! BALISHAMAN
unterstützt jedes Wort der Sprecherin betreffend
'Schamanen-Diplome' und ihren 'unbeschreiblichen Wert', denn
Geld und Dummheit gehen tatsächlich in den so genannten
schamanischen Fachkreisen Hand in Hand. |
helptv teil1.flv
Deutsch |
Ist das noch
Schamanismus oder übelster Schindluder?
Lies nach dem Betrachten dieses Videos unsere
Kritik am Pseudo-Schamanismus
und beantworte Dir diese Frage dann
selbst! Unsere im
Teil 2
dieser Serie geübte Kritik bezieht sich auf den in diesem Video
interviewten Anbieter von Ausbildungen im Pseudo-Schamanismus
sowie auf die darin zu Wort kommende Plastik-Schamanin in spe. |
helptv teil2.flv
Deutsch |
Ist das noch
Schamanismus oder übelster Schindluder?
Lies nach dem Betrachten dieses Videos unsere
Kritik am Pseudo-Schamanismus
und beantworte Dir diese Frage dann
selbst! Unsere im
Teil 2
dieser Serie geübte Kritik bezieht sich auf den in diesem Video
interviewten Anbieter von Ausbildungen im Pseudo-Schamanismus
sowie auf die darin zu Wort kommende Plastik-Schamanin in spe. |
Kiesha Crowther: Alternative Lifestyles of the
Rich and Fraudulent
Englisch |
Ist das noch Schamanismus oder übelster
This video documents the
controversy that is going on in the Native American community
over Kiesha Crowther's false statement that she is the shaman
of the "Sioux and Salish tribe" and the money she has been
making from this false claim.
I am mirroring this video so that non-Indian people can have
some understanding as to the pain that pretenders like Kiesha
Crowther cause native people. I want non-Indians to understand
that only way to stop the exploitation of indigenous peoples'
spirituality is for people to STOP paying ANY money for it.
Authentic spiritual leaders would never charge money. Ceremonies
are not open to anyone who can pay a price - our spirituality is
much too sacred for that. If you have respect and compassion for
the indigenous peoples of this land, then allow us to be the
guardians of the spirituality that our ancestors developed.
Do not support Kiesha Crowther and others like her who exploit
our spiritual practices for profit.
White Shamans and Plastic Medicine Men, Part 1
Englisch |
Ist das noch Schamanismus oder übelster
White Shamans and Plastic
Medicine Men is a documentary dealing with the popularization
and commercialization of Native American spiritual traditions by
Non-Indians. Important questions are asked of those seeking to
exploit ritual and sacred ceremony and of those vested with
safeguarding sacred ways. This documentary is thematically
organized, and deals with romantic stereotypes and copying, the
impatience of new age practitioners contrasted to the fact that
indigenous spiritual traditions are thousands of years old, and
the proselytizing nature of these new age practitioners. The
film represents a wide range of voices from several native
communities, and speaks to issues of cultural appropriation with
humor, righteous anger, and thoughtful insight.
Plastic Indians - "So you want to be an Indian"
Englisch |
Ist das noch Schamanismus oder übelster
This poem struck us from the
very first time we read it, shame that the author is unknown. It
was presented on "Ikche Wotanging", a newsletter, Native
American, by John Berry. It appeared in Volume 7 Number 1,
published January 2, 1999. We read the page from which we are,
that "John Berry and Wotanging Ikche have granted permission for
its republication to help repair the Sacred Circle." With the
same spirit, the same offer to all of you... ( Nativi ) Against all form of racism and stupid of
stereotypes also used to make money.
Self-Help Guru Convicted in Sweat Lodge Deaths
Englisch |
Ist das noch Schamanismus oder übelster
The man behind a self-help
seminar at a sweat lodge that resulted in the deaths of three
people and left 18 hospitalized was found guilty of three counts
of negligent homicide and faces up to 12 years in prison. In
October of 2009, James Arthur Ray hosted a so-called
"life-building" ceremony in the Arizona desert as part of the
seminar, which included a sauna-like ritual in heart-stopping
temperatures. Harris Faulkner has the full report, including
plans for Ray's upcoming sentencing hearing.
Self-help Guru Guilty in Sweat Lodge Deaths
Englisch |
Ist das noch Schamanismus oder übelster
James Arthur Ray has been found
guilty of negligent homicide in the deaths of three people at an
Arizona sweat lodge in October 2009. Jurors reached their
verdict Wednesday after a four-month trial. (June 22, 2011)
Vernon Foster speaks about the Sedona sweat lodge
Englisch |
Ist das noch Schamanismus oder übelster
Vernon Foster describes his
position and that of the American Indian Movement and on the
recent deaths of people in a sweat lodge run by James Arthur Ray
in Sedona, Arizona
James Ray, White Shamanism and Death
Englisch |
Ist das noch Schamanismus oder übelster
The purpose of this video is to
educate the general public about the many frauds and charlatans
who conduct bogus sweat lodge ceremonies for profit. This video
contains the testimony of Debra Jean Mercer at the James Arthur
Ray sweat lodge trial in Arizona. New and old photographs from
the crime scene have been added, as well as comments from Chief
Arvol Looking Horse. |